When Was the Family and Medical Leave Act Passed

US labor law

Family and Medical Get out Deed of 1993
Great Seal of the United States
Long title An Human action to grant family and temporary medical go out under sure circumstances.
Acronyms (colloquial) FMLA
Enacted by the 103rd United States Congress
Public police Pub.Fifty. 103–iii
Statutes at Big 107 Stat. 6
Titles amended 29 USC: Labor
U.s.a.C. sections created 29 U.Southward.C. sec. 2601
Legislative history
  • Introduced in the House as H.R. 1 by William D. Ford (D-MI) on January 5, 1993
  • Commission consideration by Firm Education and Labor, Firm Postal service Part and Civil Service
  • Passed the House on Feb iii, 1993 (265–163)
  • Passed the Senate on Feb four, 1993 (71–27) with amendment
  • House agreed to Senate amendment on February four, 1993 (Via H.Res. 71, 247–152)
  • Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on February 5, 1993
Major amendments
No Kid Left Behind Act

The Family unit and Medical Exit Human action of 1993 (FMLA) is a United states labor police force requiring covered employers to provide employees with task-protected, unpaid leave for qualified medical and family unit reasons.[one] The FMLA was a major role of President Pecker Clinton's first-term domestic agenda, and he signed information technology into police on February 5, 1993. The FMLA is administered by the Wage and 60 minutes Division of the U.s. Department of Labor.

The FMLA allows eligible employees to take up to 12 piece of work weeks of unpaid get out during any 12-calendar month flow to care for a new child, intendance for a seriously ill family member, or recover from a serious affliction. The FMLA covers both public- and private-sector employees, only certain categories of employees, including elected officials and highly compensated employees, are excluded from the law or confront sure limitations. In order to be eligible for FMLA go out, an employee must have worked for the employer for at least 12 months, accept worked at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months, and piece of work for an employer with at least l employees inside a 75-mile radius. Several states have passed laws providing additional family unit and medical go out protections for workers.

Background [edit]

Prior to the 1992 presidential election, a family medical get out act had been vetoed twice by President George H. Due west. Bush.[2] Afterwards Bill Clinton won the 1992 election, a law protecting family medical leave became one of his major first-term domestic priorities. Rapid growth in the workforce, including a large number of women joining, suggested a necessary federal regulation that would support the working form who desired to enhance a family and/or required time off for illness related situations.[3] President Clinton signed the bill into police on February 5, 1993 (Pub.50. 103–iii; 29 U.s.a.C. sec. 2601; 29 CFR 825) to have effect on August v, 1993.

The United States Congress passed the Deed with the understanding that "information technology is important for the development of children and the family unit unit that fathers and mothers be able to participate in early childrearing … [and] the lack of employment policies to accommodate working parents can strength individuals to choose betwixt chore security and parenting".[four] It as well stressed the Human activity was intended to provide leave protection for individuals "in a style that accommodates the legitimate interests of employers".[5]

On December 20, 2019, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020,[6] the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act (FEPLA) amended the Family unit and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to grant federal government employees up to 12 weeks of paid time off for the birth, adoption or foster of a new kid.[seven] The police applies to births or placements occurring on or subsequently Oct 1, 2020.[eight]

Contents [edit]

Scope of rights [edit]

The Family unit and Medical Get out Human action of 1993 by and large applies to employers of l or more employees in 20 weeks of the terminal year. Employees must have worked over 12 months and 1250 hours in the concluding year (around 25 hours a week). Nevertheless, employees are not eligible if they work at a work site where the total number of employees employed by the employer within 75 miles of that work site is less than 50.[x] A worksite includes a public agency, including schools and state, local, and federal employers. The 50 employee threshold does not apply to public bureau employees and local educational agencies. At that place are special hours rules for certain airline employees.[xi]

Employees must give detect of xxx days to employers if nascency or adoption is "foreseeable",[12] and for serious wellness weather if practicable. Treatments should be arranged "so every bit not to disrupt unduly the operations of the employer" co-ordinate to medical advice.[xiii]

Along with the 30 day find, there are also other requirements to be made when seeking the FMLA rights. If an employee wants to go out the beginning time using ones FMLA rights, the person must get-go merits the Family and Medical Leave Act.[14] In the case that an employee were to leave once more under the FMLA act, the same procedure must continue.[fifteen]

With the release of employees, there is a certification as well. The absence of an employee due to the conditions he or she may accept may crave a certification as proof of the verification of absence.[xv] In order to certify the get out of an employee, the employer may enquire for other requirements. An example of these requirements are requiring multiple medical opinions. All of these prerequisites are at the employer's expense. There are as well sure rules that may employ to those who piece of work at local education agencies.[15]

In most of the Us employers and employees cannot refuse the awarding of the FMLA to FMLA-qualifying absences.[xvi] All the same from Escriba five. Foster Poultry Farms, Inc., 743 F.3d 1236, 1244 (9th Cir. 2014) in those states under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit "[A]north employee can affirmatively decline to use FMLA leave, even if the underlying reason for seeking the leave would have invoked FMLA protection."[17]

Rights during leave [edit]

Employees can have upwards to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for child birth, adoption, to care for a close relative in poor health, or because of an employee'due south own poor health.[18] In total, the purposes for get out are:

  • to care for a new child, whether for the birth, the adoption, or placement of a child in foster care;
  • to care for a seriously ill family fellow member (spouse, son, daughter, or parent) (Notation: Son/daughter has been clarified past the Department of Labor to mean a kid under the age of xviii or a kid over the historic period of 18 with a mental or physical disability equally defined by the Americans With Disabilities Deed, which excludes, among other conditions, pregnancy and post-partum recovery from childbirth);[19]
  • to recover from a worker'south own serious illness;
  • to treat an injured service fellow member in the family; or
  • to address qualifying exigencies arising out of a family unit fellow member's deployment.
  • twenty-six workweeks of leave during a single 12-month flow to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness if the eligible employee is the servicemember's spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin (military caregiver leave).[20]

Child care leave should be taken in one lump, unless an employer agrees otherwise.[21] If a father and female parent accept the same employer, they must share their leave, in issue halving each person'southward rights, if the employer so chooses.[22]

Employers must provide benefits during the unpaid get out.[23] Nether §2652(b) states are empowered to provide "greater family or medical exit rights".

Since 2008, the Section of Labor has allowed the spouse, kid, or parent of an active duty military member who is deployed overseas for 12 or more than months to take up to 12 weeks of leave. Also, a armed services caregiver provision was added that would allow a caregiver to take upwardly to 26 weeks of leave in lodge to actively care for a military fellow member who requires medical attention for acute or ongoing conditions.[24]

Substitute exit [edit]

Under §2612(two)(A) an employer tin can make an employee substitute the right to 12 unpaid weeks of leave for "accrued paid vacation get out, personal go out or family go out" in an employer'southward personnel policy. Originally the Department of Labor had a penalty to make employers notify employees that this might happen. However, 5 judges in the US Supreme Courtroom in Ragsdale v Wolverine World Wide, Inc held that the statute precluded the right of the Department of Labor to do and so. Four dissenting judges would have held that nothing prevented the dominion, and information technology was the Section of Labor'south job to enforce the police.[25]

Right to return to task [edit]

After unpaid get out, an employee more often than not has the correct to render to their job, except for employees who are in the top 10% of highest paid and the employer can argue refusal "is necessary to forbid substantial and grievous economical injury to the operations of the employer."[26] In total, the rights during and after unpaid go out are to:

  • the same grouping wellness insurance benefits, including employer contributions to premiums, that would exist if the employee were not on exit.
  • restoration to the same position upon return to piece of work. If the same position is unavailable, the employer must provide the worker with a position that is essentially equal in pay, benefits, and responsibility.
  • protection of employee benefits while on leave. An employee is entitled to reinstatement of all benefits to which the employee was entitled before going on leave.
  • protection of the employee to non accept their rights nether the Deed interfered with or denied by an employer.
  • protection of the employee from retaliation by an employer for exercising rights under the Act.
  • intermittent FMLA leave for their ain serious health condition, or the serious health condition of a family member. This includes occasional leave for doctors' appointments for a chronic status, treatment (e.m., physical therapy, psychological counseling, chemotherapy), or temporary periods of incapacity (due east.one thousand., severe morning sickness, asthma attack).[27]

"Highly compensated employees" have limited rights to return to their jobs. They are defined equally "a salaried eligible employee who is among the highest paid 10 percent of the employees employed by the employer inside 75 miles of the facility at which the employee is employed".[28] Their employers are non required to restore them to their original position (or an equivalent position with equivalent pay and benefits, as is guaranteed to other employees) if the employer determines that denying the employee their position is "necessary to foreclose substantial and grievous economic injury to the operations of the employer" [28] and the employer provides the worker with find of this decision, though no fourth dimension frame for providing this find is established.

Enforcement [edit]

Employees or the Secretary of Labor can bring enforcement deportment,[29] but there is no right to a jury for reinstatement claims. Employees tin can seek damages for lost wages and benefits, or the cost of kid intendance, plus an equal amount of liquidated amercement unless an employer can bear witness it acted in expert organized religion and reasonable cause to believe it was not breaking the law.[30] There is a two-yr limit on bringing claims, or three years for willful violations.[31]

Non-eligible workers and types of leave [edit]

The federal FMLA does not utilise to:

  • workers in businesses with fewer than l employees (this threshold does non apply to public agency employers and local educational agencies as they are covered employers by proper name but in that location nonetheless must be at least 50 employees with a 75-mile radius for the employee to be eligible for FMLA leave[xv]);
  • function-time workers who have worked fewer than ane,250 hours within the 12 months preceding the leave and a paid holiday;
  • workers who demand time off to care for seriously ill elderly relatives (other than parents), unless the relative was acting in loco parentis at the fourth dimension the worker turned 18;[32] [33]
  • workers who demand fourth dimension off to recover from short-term or common illness similar a cold, or to care for a family member with a short-term illness;
  • elected officials; and
  • workers who need time off for routine medical care, such equally check-ups.
  • workers who need time off to care for pets;

State family exit [edit]

Nine states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington State—and Washington D.C. have passed into law programs that provide pay to workers taking time off to bail with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, or recover from i'south ain serious wellness condition.[34]

Dropping the employer threshold [edit]

The federal FMLA just applies to employers with 50 or more employees, within 75 miles. Some states have enacted their own FMLAs that have a lower threshold for employer coverage:

  • Maine: xv or more employees (individual employers)[35] and 25 or more than (city or town employers).[36]
  • Maryland: 15 or more than employees (individual employers)Up to seven days for bone marrow donation. Upwards to 30 days for organ donation.[37] [38]
  • Minnesota: 21 or more than employees (parental go out simply).[39]
  • Oregon: 25 or more employees. An employee must take worked at least 180 days, and averaged 25 hours per calendar week at the time medical leave is requested[xl] [41]
  • Rhode Island: l or more employees (individual employers)[42] and 30 or more employees (public employers).[43]
  • Vermont: 10 or more than employees (parental leave only)[44] and xv or more employees (family unit and medical get out).[45]
  • Washington: 50 or more employees (FMLA reasons likewise insured parental leave);[46] all employers are required to provide insured parental leave.[47] [48]
  • Commune of Columbia: xx or more employees.[49]

Expanded coverage [edit]

The federal FMLA only applies to immediate family—parent, spouse, and child. The 2008 amendments to the FMLA for military family unit members extend the FMLA'southward protection to adjacent of kin and to adult children. The Department of Labor on June 22, 2010 clarified the definition of "son and daughter" under the FMLA "to ensure that an employee who assumes the role of caring for a child receives parental rights to family get out regardless of the legal or biological relationship" and specifying that "an employee who intends to share in the parenting of a child with their aforementioned sexual practice partner will be able to do the right to FMLA leave to bond with that kid."[fifty]

In Feb 2015, the Department of Labor issued its last rule amending the definition of spouse under the FMLA in response to the decision in United States five. Windsor, effective March 27, 2015.[51] The revised definition of "spouse" extends FMLA leave rights and job protections to eligible employees in a same-sex activity marriage or a common-law marriage entered into in a state where those statuses are legally recognized, regardless of the state in which the employee works or resides.[52] Even if an employee works where same-sex or common law marriage is not recognized, that employee'southward spouse triggers FMLA coverage if the employee married in a state that recognized same-sex marriage or common law marriage.[53] Some states had already expanded the definition of family in their own FMLAs:

  • California: Domestic partner and domestic partner's kid.[54]
  • Connecticut: Civil union partner,[55] parent-in-law.[56]
  • Hawaii: Grandparent, parent-in-law, grandparent-in-law[57] or an employee's reciprocal casher.[58]
  • Maine: Domestic partner and domestic partner's child,[59] siblings.[60]
  • Maryland: Allows the employee to use time for firsthand family unit under the same rules if taking it for themselves. Includes stride, adopted and fifty-fifty people who were primary caregivers even if non related.[61]
  • New Bailiwick of jersey: Civil marriage partner and child of civil union partner,[62] parent-in-law, pace parent.[63]
  • Oregon: Domestic partner,[64] grandparent, grandchild or parent-in-law.[65]
  • Rhode Island: Domestic partners of state employees, parent-in-police force.[66]
  • Vermont: Ceremonious union partner,[67] parent-in-police force.[68]
  • Wisconsin: Parent-in-police force.[69]
  • District of Columbia: Related to the worker by claret, legal custody, or union; person with whom the employee lives and has a committed relationship; child who lives with employee and for whom employee permanently assumes and discharges parental responsibility.[70]

Increasing the uses for FMLA leave [edit]

FMLA leave can be used for a worker's serious health status, the serious health condition of a family member, or upon the arrival of a new child. State FMLA laws and the new war machine family provisions of the FMLA have broadened these categories:

  • Connecticut: Organ or bone marrow donor.[71]
  • Maine: Organ donor;[72] expiry of employee's family member if that family member is a servicemember killed while on active duty.[73]
  • Maryland: Maryland Family unit Leave Human activity (MFLA) – Organ donor, Person Standing in Loco Parentis, For Service Leave, and added a specific anti-retaliation penalty on top of FMLA recovery. Runs parallel to FMLA.
  • Oregon: Care for the non-serious injury or illness of a child requiring home care.[74]


Several states take passed FMLA-blazon statutes to give parents unpaid leave for other related purposes, including:

  • Attention kid'southward schoolhouse or educational activities. Examples include California,[75] District of Columbia,[76] Massachusetts,[77] Minnesota,[78] Rhode Island,[79] Vermont,[80] and others.
  • Taking family members to routine medical visits. Massachusetts[81] and Vermont.[82]
  • Addressing the effects of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual set on. Examples include Colorado,[83] Florida,[84] Hawaii,[85] and Illinois.[86]

Significance [edit]

In 2003, Han and Waldfogel plant that "but nearly 60% of individual sector workers are covered" [87] due to the clause stipulating a minimum number of employees, and once the clause stipulating a minimum number of hours worked is added, only 46% of private sector workers are eligible for leave under the FMLA. In June 2007, the Department of Labor estimated that of 141.vii million workers in the United States, 94.4 1000000 worked at FMLA-covered worksites, and 76.1 1000000 were eligible for FMLA leave. Only eight to 17.1 percent of covered, eligible workers (or between 6.1 million and 13.0 meg workers) took FMLA leave in 2005.[88] The 2008 National Survey of Employers found no statistically significant difference between the proportion of pocket-size employers (79%) and large employers (82%) that offer total FMLA coverage.[89]

Although much of the inquiry has been conducted on populations in other countries,[xc] Berger et al.[91] found that children in the U.s.a. whose mothers render to work within the commencement iii months after giving birth are less probable to be breastfed, have all of their immunizations up to date (by xviii months), and receive all of their regular medical checkups; they are besides more probable to exhibit behavioral issues by four years of age. Chatterji and Markowitz [92] besides plant an association betwixt longer lengths of maternity leave and lesser incidence of depression amid mothers.

Despite the lack of rights to leave, at that place is no right to free child care or day care. This has encouraged several proposals to create a public system of free kid care, or for the regime to subsidize parents' costs.[93]

Controversy [edit]

The act was controversial at its passage. Much of the controversy focused on its impact on the business community, and on whether the law should be gender neutral or not.[94] In guild to make the law more acceptable, it was argued that the constabulary would reduce abortions.[95] Proponents of the law focused on its benefit to men and children, in lodge to counter the claim that information technology was giving women "special treatment".[96] Other controversies focused on whether the leave should be paid or not.[97]

The police force was finally approved, mandating unpaid gender-neutral leave; nonetheless it was still criticized. Critics of the act take suggested that past mandating various forms of leave that are used more often by female than male employees, the Act, similar the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, makes women more than expensive to employ than men. They argue that employers will engage in subtle discrimination confronting women in the hiring process, bigotry which is much less obvious to observe than pregnancy discrimination confronting the already hired. Throughout history, gender discrimination towards women was common; sure laws were placed that would restrict a woman'south option in choosing a working position, as well equally, how many hours she could work[98] ei. Employers Supporters counter that the act, in contrast to the Pregnancy Discrimination Deed of 1978, is aimed at both women and men, and is role of an overall strategy to encourage both men and women to take family-related exit.[99] Even so, this is based on the assumption that men will take reward of the opportunity of unpaid leave at comparable rates to women. Co-ordinate to Grossman, there is no basis for this assumption upon the inception of the legislation and no bear witness has been constitute today to support this assumption. Therefore, the employer incentive to adopt male employees is preserved despite the equal opportunity for both sexes to accept get out.[100]

Moreover, the FMLA is much less comprehensive than Western European exit policies. Namely, the Usa is the merely industrialized country without paid leave for parents. This illustrates the lack of provisions offered in the Usa every bit compared to that of other industrialized countries. For example, all Western European nations have maternity paid leave and over one-half have paternity and sick child intendance paid get out, while the United States has no paid exit.[101]

Additionally, workplace fairness has been questioned under the Act. For instance, whatever woman-specific benefits provided by the legislation were considered special treatment and thus unacceptable, and ignoring the idea that women may accept a greater share of brunt of caregiving in reality. In antiphon, supporters may argue that creating such legislation that recognizes the female's greater part in child care, stereotype would be reinforced.[102]

The success of the implementation of the policy is also controversial considering it is questioned whether the policy is actually going to those who need the benefits. For instance, since the leave offered is unpaid, majorities of eligible employees tin can not accept time off because they tin can non afford to do then.[103] And according to Pyle and Pelletier, eligible workers may not fifty-fifty know about this policy and the benefits allotted to them.[102]

Under law, women are protected from sex discrimination in the workplace merely a large stigma confronting women still exists in terms of them beingness equally skilled every bit their male person co-workers, and ultimately testing the federal protection of rights in a piece of work surroundings.[104] Like any other federal regulation, it is strictly prohibited for an employer to discriminate towards an employee (peculiarly if the employee is using their FMLA rights), and to strain from providing accurate data for all employees to admission.[105]

Signing anniversary [edit]

Vicki Yandle, a receptionist who was fired after asking for a few weeks of fourth dimension off to treat a daughter with cancer, was on stage with President Clinton when the law was signed.[106]

See also [edit]

  • United States labor law
  • Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur (1974)

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Bruce, Stephen. "Family and Medical Get out Human action". Hour Daily Advisor . Retrieved 20 September 2011.
  2. ^ Wilentz, Sean (2008). The Historic period of Reagan . HarperCollins. pp. 327–328. ISBN978-0-06-074480-9.
  3. ^ "William J. Clinton: Statement on Signing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993". world wide web.presidency.ucsb.edu . Retrieved 2017-03-29 .
  4. ^ Congress. 1993. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Washington, D.C. pH.R.i–ii quoted
  5. ^ Congress. 1993. Family and Medical Leave Deed of 1993. Washington, D.C. pH.R.1–2 quoted.
  6. ^ S. 1790; NDAA 2020, Pub.L. 116-92, Pub.L. 116–92 (text) (PDF)
  7. ^ 5 USC § 6382(d)(2)
  8. ^ Office of Personnel Management, MEMORANDUM FOR: HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES on Dec 27, 2019
  9. ^ California, New Bailiwick of jersey, Rhode Island and New York
  10. ^ 29 USC §2611(2)
  11. ^ "Family and Medical Leave Act Airline Flight Coiffure Technical Amendments".
  12. ^ 29 USC §2612(east)
  13. ^ 29 USC §2612(e)(ii)
  14. ^ "Family and Medical Exit for Federal Employees". U.Due south. Office of Personnel Management . Retrieved 2019-07-03 .
  15. ^ a b c d "Fact Sheet #28: The Family unit and Medical Go out Deed" (PDF). U.S. Section of Labor. 2012. Retrieved 21 Baronial 2019.
  16. ^ https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WHD/legacy/files/2019_03_14_1A_FMLA.pdf
  17. ^ https://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2014/02/25/xi-17608.pdf
  18. ^ 29 USC §2512(a)(2) and on adoption, see Kelley v Crosfield Catalysts 135 F2d 1202 (seventh Circuit 1998) The same rules for federal employees were codified in 5 USC §§6381–6387.
  19. ^ "DoL Opinion".
  20. ^ "Family and Medical Exit Deed – Wage and Hour Segmentation (WHD) – U.Southward. Department of Labor". Dol.gov. Archived from the original on 2011-04-04. Retrieved 2014-08-06 .
  21. ^ 29 USC §2612(a)(ii)
  22. ^ 29 USC §2612(f) "the aggregate number of workweeks of leave to which both may be entitled may be limited to 12 workweeks"
  23. ^ 29 USC §2614(c). If an employee quits, the employer is enabled to recoup costs.
  24. ^ "Military Family unit Exit Provisions of the FMLA - Wage and Hour Sectionalization (WHD) - U.S. Department of Labor". www.dol.gov . Retrieved 2017-03-29 .
  25. ^ 535 Usa 81 (2002)
  26. ^ 29 USC §2614(b). Nether 29 USC §2612(b)(2) employers may transfer employees to another position with like pay and benefits if health absences could be intermittent. Under §2618 special rules apply for employees of local educational agencies.
  27. ^ Vedder Price (January 26, 2011). "Struggling with Intermittent FMLA Leave". The National Police force Review. Retrieved 2012-04-29 .
  28. ^ a b Congress. 1993. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Washington, D.C. pH.R.i–8 quoted.
  29. ^ 29 USC §2617, and see Frizzell v Southwest Motor Freight, 154 F3d 641 (6th Circuit 1998)
  30. ^ 29 USC §2617(a)(1)(A)(iii)
  31. ^ See Moore 5 Payless Shoe Source (8th Circuit 1998)
  32. ^ 29 U.s.C. § 2611
  33. ^ Coutard five. Municipal Credit Union 2017 WL 526060 (2d Cir. Feb. nine, 2017)
  34. ^ "Comparative Chart of Paid Family unit and Medical Get out Laws in the United States". A Better Balance . Retrieved 2022-03-03 .
  35. ^ 26 Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 26 § *843 (3)(A)
  36. ^ 26 Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 26 § 843 (3)(C)
  37. ^ Family unit AND MEDICAL LEAVE Human activity (FMLA) GUIDE (PDF). STATE OF MARYLAND. August 2013. Retrieved 2014-08-06 .
  38. ^ "SENATE Beak 562" (PDF). Feb five, 2009. Retrieved 2014-08-06 .
  39. ^ Minn. Stat. § 181.940 (Subd. three)
  40. ^ Or. Rev. Stat. § 659A.153 (one)
  41. ^ "Oregon FMLA Laws". world wide web.employmentlawhq.com . Retrieved 2017-02-21 .
  42. ^ R.I. Pub. Laws §28-48-1(three)(i)
  43. ^ R.I. Pub. Laws § 28-48-1(3)(iii)
  44. ^ 23 VSA § 471(4)
  45. ^ 23 VSA § 471(3)
  46. ^ RCW § 49.78.020(5)
  47. ^ RCW § 49.86.010 (six)(a)
  48. ^ RCW § 50.50.080(1)
  49. ^ D.C. Code § 32-516(2)
  50. ^ "US Department of Labor clarifies FMLA definition of 'son and daughter'". U.Southward. Section of Labor. 2010-06-22. Archived from the original on 2010-06-26. Retrieved 2010-07-xiv . News Release Number: ten-0877-NAT
  51. ^ Forman, Shira (27 February 2015). "DOL Issues Final Rule Amending FMLA Definition of "Spouse" to Include Same-Sex Marriages". Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP. Retrieved 28 Feb 2015.
  52. ^ Trotier, Geoffrey S. (24 February 2015). "FMLA "Spouse" Definition At present Includes Same-Sex activity Spouses and Common-Law Spouses". The National Police Review. von Briesen & Roper, due south.c. Retrieved 28 February 2015.
  53. ^ Gozdecki, Jeanine M. (25 February 2015). "FMLA Last Rule: "Spouse" Ways Same-Sex activity Spouse (Even in Alabama)". The National Law Review. Barnes & Thornburg LLP. Retrieved 28 February 2015.
  54. ^ Cal. Fam. Code § 297.5
  55. ^ Conn. Gen. Stat. § 46b-38nn
  56. ^ Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-51kk (vii)
  57. ^ Haw. Rev. Stat. § 398.one
  58. ^ Haw. Rev. Stat. § 398.3
  59. ^ 26 ME. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 843 (4)(D)
  60. ^ LD 2132
  61. ^ "SENATE Neb 562" (PDF). Feb 5, 2009. Retrieved 2014-08-06 .
  62. ^ Due north.J. Stat. Ann. § 37:1-31
  63. ^ Northward.J. Stat Ann. § 34-11B(3)(h)
  64. ^ HB 2007
  65. ^ OR. Rev. Stat. § 659A.150 (4)
  66. ^ R.I. Pub. Laws § 24-48-1(5)
  67. ^ 23 VSA § 1204(a)
  68. ^ 23 VSA § 471(iii)(B)
  69. ^ Wis. Stat. §103.x(1)(f)
  70. ^ D.C. Code 32-501(A), (B), (C)
  71. ^ Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-51ll (ii)(E)
  72. ^ 26 ME. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 843 (four)(East)
  73. ^ 26 ME. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 843 (4)(F)
  74. ^ OR. Rev. Stat. § 659A.159 (d)
  75. ^ Cal. Lab. Code § 230.8
  76. ^ D.C. Code 32-1202
  77. ^ Mass. Gen. Laws. Ch. 149 § 52(D)(b)(1)
  78. ^ Minn. Stat. § 181.9412
  79. ^ R.I. Pub. Laws § 24-48-12
  80. ^ 23 VSA § 472a (a)(1)
  81. ^ Mass. Gen. Laws. Ch. 149 § 52(D)(b)(ii)&(iii)
  82. ^ 23 VSA § 472a (a)(2)
  83. ^ Colo. Rev. Stat. § 24-34-402.7
  84. ^ FLA. STAT. § 741.313
  85. ^ Haw. Rev. Stat. § 378-72
  86. ^ 820 Sick. Comp. Stat. 180/i-180/45
  87. ^ Han, W.-J. and Waldfogel, J. 2003. "Parental Leave: The Impact of Recent Legislation on Parents' Leave-Taking." Census. twoscore(1):191–200. p191 quoted.
  88. ^ "Family and Medical Leave Human action Regulations: A Report on the Department of Labor's Request for Information." 28 June 2007. Department of Labor, Employment Standards Assistants, Wage and Hour Division. Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 124. [1]
  89. ^ Galinsky, East., Bond, J., Sakai, M., Kim, S., Giuntoli, North. 2008. National report of employers. New York, NY: Families and Piece of work Institute. [ii]
  90. ^ Gregg, P.E., Washbrook et al. 2005. "The Furnishings of a Mother'south Return to Work Decision on Kid Development in the Great britain." The Economic Journal. 115(501):F48-F80.
  91. ^ Berger, L.Thousand., Hill, et al. 2005. "Maternity Exit, Early on Maternal Employment and Child Health Development in the Usa." The Economical Journal. 115(501):F29-F47.
  92. ^ Chatterji, P. and Markowitz, S. 2005. "Does the Length of Maternity Leave Touch Mental Health." Southern Economical Journal. 72(one):16–41.
  93. ^ due east.g. D Paquette, 'The enormous appetite of Hillary Clinton's child-care plan' (May 12, 2016) The Washington Postal service
  94. ^ Anthony, Deborah J. (2008). "The Hidden Harms of the Family and Medical Leave Deed: Gender-Neutral Versus Gender-Equal". Gender, Social Policy & the Constabulary. sixteen: 4 – via Digital Commons.
  95. ^ Anthony, Deborah J. (2008). "The Hidden Harms of the Family and Medical Exit Act: Gender-Neutral Versus Gender-Equal". Gender, Social Policy & the Law. 16: 4 – via Digital Commons.
  96. ^ Anthony, Deborah J. (2008). "The Hidden Harms of the Family and Medical Get out Act: Gender-Neutral Versus Gender-Equal". Gender, Social Policy & the Law. 16: 4 – via Digital Commons.
  97. ^ Anthony, Deborah J. (2008). "The Subconscious Harms of the Family unit and Medical Leave Act: Gender-Neutral Versus Gender-Equal". Gender, Social Policy & the Law. 16: 4 – via Digital Commons.
  98. ^ Anthony, Deborah J. (2008). "The Subconscious Harms of the Family and Medical Go out Human activity: Gender-Neutral Versus Gender-Equal". Gender, Social Policy & the Law. 16: iv – via Digital Commons.
  99. ^ "FMLA (Family & Medical Go out)". Us Department of Labor. 2015-12-09. Retrieved 2017-04-05 .
  100. ^ Grossman, Joanna (20 April 2004). "Job Security Without Equality: The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993". Journal of Constabulary and Policy. xv (17): 17–63.
  101. ^ Pyle, Jean L.; Pelletier, Marianne S. (1 March 2003). "Family unit and medical leave deed: unresolved issues". New Solutions. xiii (4): 353–84. doi:x.2190/7K3G-MW4M-6J7X-U4EV. PMID 17208739. S2CID 36808025.
  102. ^ a b Anthony; Deborah (2008). "The Subconscious Harms of the Family unit and Medical Leave Act: Gender Neutral versus Gender Equal". Journal of Gender Social Policy and the Law. sixteen (iv).
  103. ^ Mory, Marc; Pistilli, Lia (2001). "The Failure of the Family unit and Medical Leave Act: Culling Proposals for Contemporary American Families". Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal. 18 (2).
  104. ^ 742-9150. "Sex / Gender Discrimination - Workplace Fairness". Midwest New Media. Archived from the original on 2017-04-05. Retrieved 2017-04-05 . {{cite news}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  105. ^ "U.Due south. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division (WHD) The Family unit and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended". www.dol.gov . Retrieved 2017-03-29 .
  106. ^ Family-Go out Bill: Peace of Mind Result New York Times, 4 February 1993

External links [edit]

  • Family and Medical Exit Act of 1993 29 U.S. Lawmaking Chapter 28
  • Department of Labor Family & Medical Get out information pages
  • Senate scroll phone call vote
  • House roll call vote
  • Nevada Dept. of Homo Resource five. Hibbs
  • Your Rights Under the Federal Family unit and Medical Leave Human activity (FMLA)
  • A Kid's Wish at IMDb – A made-for-TV film well-nigh the human action in which President Clinton appears briefly as himself.
  • https://spider web.archive.org/web/20090703173531/http://paidsickdays.nationalpartnership.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ourwork_fmla_FamilyandMedicalLeave
  • http://www.nationalpartnership.org/site/DocServer/WF_PL_FactSheet_PaidFamilyLeave_2009.pdf?docID=4682&autologin=true


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act_of_1993

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