History of the Muser Family in Timau, Italy

Town of Paluzza

Information about Paluzza

ZIP Code: 33026 - Town Hall address: Piazza 21 - 22 Luglio vii, Phone: ++39 0433 775143, Fax: ++39 0433 775143, Eastward-Post: segretario@com-paluzza.regione.fvg.it. Province: Udine. Distance from the chief town (Udine): 69 chilometri. Inhabitants: 2,217 (Istat 2016). Denomination: Paluzzani. For the town of Paluzza are also available the post-obit PEC o CEC-PEC e-mail addresses: comune.paluzza@certgov.fvg.it (pec). >>>COVID-19<<< Data nearly spreading of Covid-xix in Paluzza are non even so available: for the province of Udine, to whom Paluzza belongs, on 2022-03-02 are reported 128,417 cases. In the previos solar day there were 128,159 cases, thus having a variation of 258 cases, i.e. 0.xx% with reference to the number of cases reported in the previous twenty-four hours. Please follow this link for updated information on Covid-19 including new cases and percent changes for the whole of Italy, regions and private provinces

The common family names in the municipality of Paluzza

The most mutual five family names

There are in Paluzza Surname
152.l Puntel
102.50 Mentil
77.fifty Matiz
72.50 Maieron
67.fifty Primus

Geographical data, Population and Statistical data

Geographic information: Surface: 69,75 square kilometers. Height to a higher place body of water level: 602 meters. Min. height: 500 meters. Max. Height: 2.750 meters. Altimetric divergence: two.250 meters.

Population and Statistical data: Population density: 37,ten inhabitants per square kilometer. Population on 1991: iii.030 inhabitants - Population on 2001: two.597 inhabitants - Population on 2011: 2.372 inhabitants .- Percentual variation 2001 -1991: -14,29%. Percentual variation 2011 -1991: -21,72%. Percentual variation 2011 -2001: -viii,66%. Families: 1.039. Medium value of the components of a generic family unit: ii,l people.

Most recent information nigh Population: On January, one 2016 at that place where 2,217 inhabitants in Paluzza, 1,074 males and 1,143 females. There where xv inhabitants less than one yr old (8 males and 7 females) and 4 inhabitants being i-hundred years old or more than (0 males and four females).

Foreign citizens: On January one, 2014 were resident in Paluzza 52 foreign citizens, 14 of whom males and 38 females.On December 31 of the same year were resident in Paluzza 57 foreign citizens, 42 of whom males and 15 females, thus being the 2.40% of the population of Paluzza.

Workers: 1.654 people, that is the 63,69% of the inhabitants of the boondocks of Paluzza.

Industries: 51 Workers: 298 Percentual value: eighteen,02%
Services: 51 Workers: 119 Percentual value: vii,19%
Administration: 22 Workers: 989 Percentual value: 59,79%
Others: 84 Workers: 248 Percentual value: xiv,99%

Data nearly population living in Paluzza

NOTICE: in what follows information refers to Paluzza, where rises the Metropolis Hall of Paluzza, (and then non to the whole territory of Paluzza). For the sake of simplicity nosotros will united states of america the term of Paluzza.

In Paluzza live 1 one thousand, two hundred and fourty-one people: v hundred and seventy-nine are males and six hundred and sixty-two are females.

In that location are four hundred and lx-four singles ( ii hundred and seventy males and ane hundred and 90-iv females). At that place are 5 hundred and thirty-five people married, and xx-half-dozen people legally separed. In that location are also thirty-two divorced people and one hundred and eighty-four widows and widowers.

Please discover in what follows the table of the distribution of inhabitants by historic period.

Age 0-4 5-ix 10-14 xv-nineteen 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 forty-44 45-49 fifty-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 >74
Males 18 25 25 24 34 24 37 37 38 47 38 36 48 42 36 70
Females 23 19 24 16 24 28 27 xxx 40 43 46 37 44 47 47 167
Full 41 44 49 40 58 52 64 67 78 xc 84 73 92 89 83 237

Data about foreigners living in Paluzza

In Paluzza live 30 foreigners, seven are males and twenty-3 are females. 28 come up from Europa, 0 from Africa, one from America, one from Asia and 0 from Oceania.

Please find in what follows the table of the distribution of foreigners by historic period.

Age Males Females Total
From 0 to 29 years 3 seven ten
From 30 to 54 years 2 xiv 16
More than 54 years old 2 ii four

Education in Paluzza

In that location are in Paluzza i k, 1 hundred and ninety people in school historic period, v hundred and fifty-5 are males and vi hundred and 30-five females.

Genere University degree High school diploma Heart School diploma Primary School diploma Literates Illiterates
Males 35 183 197 107 31 2
Females 43 149 187 213 38 five
Total 78 332 384 320 69 7

Employment rates and workers in Paluzza

There are in Paluzza 483 people aged 15 years or more. 446 are employed and 26 were previously employed but now are unemployed and seeking for a new job. There are 281 males aged fifteen years or more than, 263 are employed and 12 were previously employed but now are unemployed and seeking for a new chore. There are 202 females aged 15 years or more, 183 are employed and fourteen s were previously employed but now are unemployed and seeking for a new job.

Families and their compositions

There are in Paluzza 505 families, for a full of 1117 people.

Please discover in what follows a table showing the number of families forth with the number of people for each family unit.

People 1 2 3 four 5 6 or more
Families 168 155 108 57 fifteen 2

There are 505 famiglie living in Paluzza. 52 live in rented houses, 391 live in houses of their own property  and 62 live in houses for different reasons.

The buildings and their characteristics in Paluzza

There are in Paluzza 595 buildings, but only 561 are used. 539 buildings are for residential utilise, 22 buildings are for commercial or productive pourposes. Among the 539 buildings for residential use 264 were build using bricks of tuffs, 155 were built using concrete and 120 were built using other materials like steel, wood then on. Among the 539 buildings for residential apply 87 are in excellent condition, 426 are in good atmospheric condition, 26 are in mediocre weather and 0 are in bad conditions.

In the post-obit 3 tables the buildings built for residential use in Paluzza are classified past building year, by floors number and past rooms number.

Buildings in Paluzza by year of construction

Engagement Before twelvemonth 1919 1919-45 1946-60 1961-seventy 1971-80 1981-xc 1991-2000 2001-05 Afterwards twelvemonth 2005
Buildings 138 49 138 70 108 29 iv 1 2

Buildings in Paluzza by floors number

NUmber of floors I Ii Three Four or more
Buildings five 167 295 72

Buildings in Paluzza past rooms number

Number of rooms One 2 Iii or 4 From five to eight From nine to 15 Sixteen or more
Buildings 354 111 57 17 0 0

Taxpayers, incomes and taxes in Paluzza

Number of taxpayers for the municipality of Paluzza: 1,768

Incomes and taxpayers past type of income

Category Taxpayers Income Yearly Average Monthly Average Previous Year Variation
Income from buildings 737 € 494,739 € 671.29 € 55.94 € 61.75 € -5.81
Income from employment 727 € 14,782,455 € xx,333.l € 1,694.46 € one,635.45 € 59.00
Retirement income 898 € 12,472,600 € 13,889.31 € 1,157.44 € one,134.66 € 22.78
Income from self-employment 20 € 709,485 € 35,474.25 € 2,956.xix € 3,159.57 € -203.38
Entrepreneurs 13 € 391,793 € xxx,137.92 € 2,511.49 € ii,100.24 € 411.26
Entrepreneurs with simplified accounting 67 € one,239,384 € 18,498.27 € i,541.52 € 1,498.97 € 42.55
Income from equity investments 75 € 1,067,932 € 14,239.09 € 1,186.59 € ane,311.22 € -124.63

Income, taxes and municipal and regional surcharges

Category Taxpayers Income Yearly Boilerplate Monthly Average Previous Yr Variation
Taxable income ane,731 € xxx,214,163 € 17,454.74 € 1,454.56 € ane,413.79 € 40.77
Additional taxation revenue 1,324 € 28,184,931 € 21,287.71 € 1,773.98 € i,743.13 € 30.85
Net revenue enhancement 1,341 € 5,138,447 € 3,831.80 € 319.32 € 310.79 € 8.53
Municipal additional ane,058 € 128,788 € 121.73 € 10.14 € 10.01 € 0.thirteen
Regional additional ane,297 € 322,865 € 248.93 € 20.74 € xx.07 € 0.67

Incomes and taxpayers grouped by income

Category Taxpayers Income Yearly average Monthly boilerplate Previous Yr Variation
Total income less than € 0 0 € 0 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00
Total income from € 0 to € 10,000 524 € 2,503,704 € 4,778.06 € 398.17 € 386.54 € xi.63
Total income from € x,000 to € xv,000 258 € iii,235,091 € 12,539.11 € i,044.93 € 1,042.21 € 2.72
Total income from € xv,000 to € 26,000 628 € 12,636,967 € 20,122.56 € 1,676.88 € 1,657.fifty € xix.38
Total income from € 26,000 to € 55,000 301 € 9,946,461 € 33,044.72 € ii,753.73 € 2,783.30 € -29.58
Total income from € 55,000 to € 75,000 11 € 683,955 € 62,177.73 € 5,181.48 € 5,208.51 € -27.03
Total income from € 75,000 to € 120,000 17 € 1,536,246 € xc,367.41 € vii,530.62 € 7,908.04 € -377.42
Total income of more € 120,000 7 € 1,022,800 € 146,114.29 € 12,176.nineteen € 13,263.68 € -1,087.49

Statistical data about Paluzza

The tables and the 3D graphics about people in Paluzza

Statistics about people


The local taxes in Paluzza ordered by kind and appointment, along with their old values ones.

Region Province Town Date Kind
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2017-06-06 "IMU"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2016-xi-23 "IMU"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2015-x-02 "IMU"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2014-10-13 "IMU"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2012-06-xviii "IMU"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2017-06-06 "TARI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2016-08-xxx "TARI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2016-08-29 "TARI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2015-x-02 "TARI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2014-09-30 "TARI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2017-06-06 "TASI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2016-08-29 "TASI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2015-10-02 "TASI"
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza 2014-x-17 "TASI"

Highways and motorways in Paluzza

In the territory of the municipality of Paluzza there are the following highways or motorways: SS 052 bis - Carnica.

During the year 2014 on the portion of these roads belonging to the municipality Paluzza there were four auto accidents, 2 of whom were fatal accidents. There was a total amount of 3 people injuried and ii people dead. No more recent information are available.

Town Highway or throughway Accident Values
Paluzza SS 052 bis - Carnica Machine accidents four
Paluzza SS 052 bis - Carnica Fatal car accidents two
Paluzza SS 052 bis - Carnica People injuried 3
Paluzza SS 052 bis - Carnica People dead 2

The expenditure items and their amounts for the Municipality of Paluzza

For the town of Paluzza are presented in what follows data on expenditure items and their related amounts, ranked in descending social club by amount of expenditure, from the highest corporeality to the lowest one for the most recent yr bachelor. Data are subject to revision and integration depending by available updates. Data Source: Italian General Accounting Office.

Description Amounts
Concession of short-term loans at non-subsidized rates to the Mountain Community € 770,065.57
Bacon items paid to permanent staff € 455,796.04
Buildings for residential utilise with historical and artistic cultural value € 395,065.36
Service contracts for waste collection € 371,680.03
Repayment of loans and other medium / long-term loans to Cassa Depositi due east Prestiti - CDP SPA management € 262,597.74
Payment of VAT withholdings due to splitting VAT (separate payment) € 185,575.09
Current transfers to other Key Administrations due north.a.c. € 178,838.93
Mandatory contributions for staff € 146,138.23
Involvement payable to Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SPA on mortgages and other medium / long-term loans € 108,002.78
Electric energy € 100,784.91
Repayment of loans and other medium-long term loans to Cassa Depositi e Prestiti - Gestione Tesoro € 100,580.71
Service contracts for schoolhouse canteens € 86,988.47
Road infrastructure € 77,129.55
Buildings for commercial use of historical and artistic cultural value € 61,097.17
Electric current transfers to Community Montane € 58,261.69
Indemnity and other fees except for the reimbursement of expenses per mission paid to permanent staff € 51,536.85
Debt VAT payments for sales operations € 50,587.83
Regional tax on productive activities (IRAP) € 48,834.57
Institutional administration bodies - Indemnity € 46,312.00
Electric current transfers to Private Social Institutions € 41,667.00
Ordinary maintenance and repairs of existent estate € 38,450.92
Equipment n.a.c. € 31,986.35
Insurance premiums for ceremonious liability towards 3rd parties € 23,530.97
OTHER PAYMENTS TO REGULATE (payments encoded by the treasurer) € 22,782.34
Residential and semi-residential social assistance service contracts € 21,579.47
Ordinary maintenance and repairs of plant and machinery € 21,461.27
Trasferimenti correnti a Aziende sanitarie locali northward.a.f. € 21,408.79
Other goods and consumables n.a.c. € 19,903.18
Application management and maintenance € 19,796.67
Other expenses for public service contracts € 19,416.34
Salary items paid to temporary staff € 18,595.19
Taxation withholding taxes on income from self-employment on behalf of third parties € 18,158.xi
Buildings for residential employ € 17,804.66
Free professional person assignments of research and consulting studies € 16,493.55
Other professional and specialist services due north.a.c. € 15,597.64
Buy of services for 3rd parties € 15,225.lx
Hydraulic infrastructures € xiii,534.88
Involvement payable to Cassa Depositi eastward Prestiti - Treasury management on mortgages and other medium / long-term loans € xiii,019.44
Other transfers to families n.a.c. € 12,505.43
Other different services northward.a.c. € 10,112.68
Stock-still telephony € 9,948.19
Ordinary maintenance and repairs of vehicles for civil utilize of security and public club € 9,924.03
Other checks and aid grants € 9,269.85
Access to databases and online publications € 8,349.40
Gas € 8,004.47
Electric current transfers to the Ministry of Instruction - Educational institutions € seven,977.47
Rental of establish and machinery € 7,833.threescore
Ordinary maintenance and repairs of other tangible avails € 7,221.30
Insurance premiums on real manor € 7,070.xix
Sport facilities € 6,846.76
Professional person assignments for the realization of investments € 6,777.93
Forests € 6,367.59
Stationery and printed newspaper € 5,563.43
Buildings for school apply € 5,540.79
Institution of economic funds and business organisation cards € 5,164.57
Institutional assistants bodies - Refunds € 4,708.55
Rural buildings € iv,575.ten
Real manor n.a.c. € iv,138.53
Machinery € 3,800.00
Insurance premiums on movable belongings € three,769.02
Quotas of associations € 3,602.01
Utilities and fees for other services n.a.c. € iii,427.96
Piece of work stations € three,131.74
Other insurance premiums against damages € 3,085.00
Ordinary maintenance and repairs of land and material appurtenances not produced € 2,887.60
Server € 2,784.04
Wearable € 2,752.40
Boggling for permanent staff € 2,562.77
Postage costs € 2,243.89
Institution of cautionary or contractual deposits with third parties € 2,036.00
Mobile telephone € 2,000.00
FOOD STAMPS € 1,860.83
Peripherals € one,840.96
Motor vehicle traffic tax (motor vehicle tax) € 1,727.69
Other expenses incurred for the utilize of 3rd political party assets n.a.c. € 1,725.00
Expenses for health checks fabricated necessary by the work action € one,466.thirty
Avails for representation activities € 1,368.42
Registration and stamp duty € 1,250.37
Current transfers to Comuni € ane,079.76
Other payments of withholding taxes to employees on behalf of third parties € 937.25
Other current expenses northward.a.c. € 900.00
Repayments of taxes and taxes of a current nature € 877.96
Hardware n.a.c. € 863.60
Other expenses for administrative services € 811.36
Other outputs for circular games n.a.c. € 710.00
Other expenses for public relations conferences and advertising exhibitions due north. A.c € 500.00
Supplementary pension contributions € 429.fourteen
Ordinary maintenance and repairs of real estate with historical and artistic cultural value € 384.30
Other expenses for electoral consultations of the torso € 320.25
Payment of iv% withholding tax on public contributions € 198.00
Accessories for offices and adaptation € 158.60
Mission and travel allowances € 39.l

The income items and their amounts for the Municipality of Paluzza

For the town of Paluzza are presented in what follows data on incomes items and their related amounts, ranked in descending gild past amount of income, from the highest corporeality to the everyman 1 for the most contempo yr available. Information are subject to revision and integration depending by bachelor updates. Information Source: Italian General Accounting Office.

Clarification Amounts
Current transfers from Regions and autonomous provinces € 1,093,810.63
Collection of curt-term loans at rates not facilitated by other Local Administrations due north.a.c. € 770,065.57
Opening of loans and other medium / long-term loans from Cassa Depositi eastward Prestiti - SPA € 317,171.04
OTHER COLLECTIONS TO REGULATE (collections encoded by the treasurer) € 226,467.74
Own municipal taxation levied as a result of ordinary direction activity € 211,358.49
Withholdings due to VAT write-off (divide payment) € 205,384.68
Municipal tax on waste matter and services € 186,210.eighteen
Contributions to investments by Regions and autonomous provinces € 151,016.56
Other current receipts n.a.c. € 125,381.25
Boosted municipal tax IRPEF collected as a result of the ordinary management activity € 114,014.43
Contributions to investments by Ministries € 82,576.77
Income from the sale of flora and creature € 78,541.83
Income from canteens € 48,216.04
Current transfers from Provinces € 46,310.52
Reimbursement for the purchase of services on behalf of 3rd parties € 44,421.37
Leases of other existent manor € 42,653.38
Current transfers from Consortia of local government € 38,796.00
Tribute for indivisible services (TASI) collected as a result of the ordinary management activity € 31,362.66
Acquirement from VAT refunds on credit € 30,232.79
Electric current transfers from Ministries € 25,524.92
Income from energy € 24,827.00
Current transfers from other regional and sub-regional agencies and agencies € 23,530.69
Tax deductions on income from self-employment on behalf of third parties € 21,130.86
Contributions to investments from the Mountain Customs € 15,000.00
Income from property concessions € 13,446.20
Income from sports facilities € 10,733.73
Assignment of assets of the floral heritage € 8,328.49
Canon occupation spaces and public areas € 7,994.18
Municipal tax on advertising and public billposting rights collected as a effect of ordinary direction activity € half dozen,851.41
Income from services n.a.c. € 5,408.62
Reimbursement of economic funds and concern cards € 5,164.57
Proceeds from the release of documents and stationery rights € 4,030.23
Building conduits and amnesty illegal building works € 3,032.00
Current transfers from Customs Montane € 2,875.00
Building permits € two,187.00
Other insurance claims against amercement € 1,935.00
Other current transfers from other companies € one,000.00
Establishment of security deposits or contractual third parties € 980.00
Others held by employees on behalf of third parties € 937.25
Acquirement from the distribution of profits and surpluses € 887.94
Income from secretarial rights and deed € 834.77
Proceeds from fines € 665.75
Municipal solid waste disposal tax collected as a result of the ordinary management activity € 639.52
Income from the utilise of premises used permanently and exclusively for non-institutional meetings € 396.00
Ain municipal taxes collected every bit a issue of verification and control activities € 396.00
Interest income from bank or postal deposits € 244.81
Withholding of 4% on public contributions € 198.00
Municipal property tax (ICI) collected as a result of verification and control activities € 121.12
Other interests active past other subjects € 61.14
Revenue income € 9.20

Sorroundings municipalities and hamlets of Paluzza

The municipality of Paluzza is surrounded by the following 12 municipalities. These latter are reported ordererd by increasing distances from Paluzza.

In the territory of Paluzza also ascent the villages of Aip (4,67 km), Casali Sega I (4,49 km), Casali Sega II (4,95 km), Example thin (-- km), Casteons (0,61 km), Cima Moscardo (ii,49 km), Cleulis (3,88 km), Englaro di Sopra (1,55 km), Passo Monte Croce Carnico (11,23 km), Rivò (1,75 km), Timau (v,97 km).

The number in parentheses following each village name indicate the distance between the same village and the municipality of Paluzza.

Conditions and information about Paluzza

Detailed and zoomable map of Paluzza

Expect at the interactive map of Paluzza and get the road maps, the satellite maps and the mixed ones as well. Interactive maps of Paluzza also permit an immediate view of: bar, restaurants, pubs, pizzerias, dancing, night clubs, banks, jewellers, beauty centers, hair stylists, supermarkets, pharmacies.

Maps of Paluzza

Only make full in the free text search box placed on top of the map with any of previous categories and so press enter. Please feel free to use the same costless text search box placed on top of the map to find whatsoever kind of business activities you're interested into.

Where to stay in Paluzza and its neighborhoods

Hotels, Resorts, B&B in Paluzza and its neighborhoods.

You can arrange the results past number of stars, by popularity, past distance or even by the guest review score choosing amidst immature couples, mature couples, families with young children, families with older children, people withfriends, or solo travellers.

Electronic invoice codes for the Municipal Departments and Offices of Paluzza

Departments, Offices, Officials and Codes for electronic invoices for the town of Paluzza

1 Offices where plant.They are reported in alphabetical order in what follows.

Office Unique Code Manager
Piazza 21-22 Luglio,7
33026 Paluzza
Fiscal Lawmaking: 84001330301
UF2ZJ2 Fulvio Di Vora
comune.paluzza@certgov.fvg.it (PEC)
Phone: (++39) 0433775203

The Boondocks Council of Paluzza

Please notice in what follows the full listing of the Mayor, the Aldermen and the Councillors of the municipaly of Paluzza that are actually on charge.


Massimo Mentil , nato il 17/08/1972 a CIVIDALE DEL FRIULI (UD).
Titolo di studio: Laurea
Categoria professionale: Imprenditori titolari eastward ammin. delegati di imprese commerciali
eletto il 26/05/2019 eastward nominato il 27/05/2019.


Luca Scrignaro.


Fabrizio Dorbolo', Pier Mario Flora, Silvia Tassotti.


Stefano Di Bello, Beppino Di Centa, Tiziano Di Ronco, Fabrizio Dorbolo', Pier Mario Flora, Alessandro Guidetti Englaro, Andrea Mentil, Paola Monai, Enrica Muser, Lucia Puntel, Luca Scrignaro, Silvia Tassotti.

The Parishes in Paluzza

There are 3 parishes in Paluzza.

Parish Boondocks Village Accost Parishioners Diocese
Due south. Daniele Profeta Paluzza Via Goricizzo, 5 i,637 Archdiocese of Udine
S. Geltrude Vergine Paluzza Timau Via Southward. Pio X, 4 400 Archdiocese of Udine
South. Osvaldo Re Paluzza Cleulis Via della Vittoria, 23 470 Archdiocese of Udine

Please find in the previous tabular array the full listing of the parish in Paluzza.

Banks and depository financial institution branches in Paluzza

Number of banks matching search criteria: 5

Region Province Boondocks Village Address Zilch Code Banking concern ABI CAB
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza Timau Via Maria Plozner Mentil, 73 33026 Banca di Carnia e Gemonese - Credito Cooperativo - Societa' Cooperativa 08894 64061
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza - Via Roma, 96 33026 Banca di Carnia e Gemonese - Credito Cooperativo - Societa' Cooperativa 08894 64060
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza - Via Roma, 100 33026 Banca Popolare Friuladria - Societa' per Azioni 05336 64060
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza - Via Roma, 108 33026 Cassa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia Southward.P.A. (in Forma Abbreviata Carifvg Due south.P.A.) 06340 64061
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Udine Paluzza - Piazza Xxi-Xxii Luglio, ix 33026 Unicredit, Societa' per Azioni 02008 64060

Pharmacies in Paluzza and surroundings

Pharmacies that satisfies che search criteria: one

Name Boondocks Address Village Cypher Kind VAT number Street View
S. Nicolo' del Dr. Alberto Morandini & C. Sas Paluzza Via Roma, 46 - 33026 Ordinaria 02495100303 Photo and maps

The Parapharmacies in Paluzza and surroundings

There is no Parapharmacy in Paluzza.

The Schools in Paluzza

Schools that satisfies che search criteria: 6

Proper name Kind Town Address Email and Pec Phone and Fax ZIP
A. Matiz - Paluzza Scuola dell'Infanzia Paluzza Via Roma 42 udic81200a@istruzione.it
Paluzza Scuola dell'Infanzia Paluzza Paluzza udic81200a@istruzione.it
Paluzza Scuola Primaria Paluzza udic81200a@istruzione.it
Timau - Cleulis Scuola Primaria Paluzza Timau - Cleulis udic81200a@istruzione.it

A. Matiz - Paluzza Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado Paluzza Via Roma 42 udic81200a@istruzione.information technology
A. Matiz - Paluzza Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado Paluzza Via Roma 42 udic81200a@istruzione.it

Videos of Paluzza

A selection of videos about Paluzza, Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia

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